Sunday, April 25, 2010

Relay for Life

On April 23rd we had the opportunity to be a part of the Queen Creek Relay for Life Cancer Walk and it was a blast. A good friend of mine in our ward was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma about 2 years ago, and I am happy to say that today she is cancer free and has been for a while. So Team RBug was formed in her honor while she was going through treatment, but this year she was walking in person as a survivor! Rashelle is such a sweet gal, such an inspiration to me, and I am so happy to be her friend!

The QC walk is only about 5 years old and so it is only a 12 hour walk rather then a 24 hour one. The walk began at 6pm and after opening ceremonies our little family took to the track and walked our hour from 7:00-8:00. Bailey rode like a champ in her stroller lap after lap, while Clint & I kept trying to decided which delicious treat we were going to buy on the next go around. After our hour of walking we hung out with the team, danced to the live music, and ate some good food. Bailey and Clint stayed til about 10:00pm...but then it was time for the little Holloway to get to bed.

After they left we were entertained by a hypnotist, more dancing, raffle drawing, and some karaoke!!! I stayed til about 1:30am and then decided to call it a night...light weight I know! Next year I have decided my goal is to make it the whole night, because why wouldn't a 30 year old with two kids want to stay up ALL night!!! Really it was a blast hanging out with all the girls and being a part of such a great cause. On top of fundraising with the team I got to help Rashelle with some of the decorations for the Survivor Dinner they have at the walk. So about 4 days before the walk I was on Puff Ball duty! I made over 100 tissue paper balls (had some help with fluffing them) and made them into chandeliers that hung over the dinner tables. It was a TON of work, but they looked great and really that is all that matters least I did my part!

Our Team Captain Rashelle (and my puff balls) &

Rashelle & I with two of our Young Women

One of my favorite moments from the walk was the hour when they turned off all the lights in the stadium and lit all of the luminaries. It was so beautiful! On one side of the stadium the bags spelled out CURE and on the other side it said HOPE, and then they had individual bags lined around the track that people dedicated to friends and family members they have lost from cancer. It was a great reminder that life is so precious and we really need to enjoy every moment we have been blessed with! So here's to my friend Rashelle & my mother-in-law Sandi...two cancer survivors I am blessed to still have in my life!

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